Creative Process

A Portrait Comes to Life...
Lauren will sometimes create commissioned portraits, which she adores painting in her colourful, vibrant style. Here you can see the progress of a portrait painting from beginning to completion... enjoy!


Birth of a Super Smudge...
One of Lauren's favourite creative processes is 'doodle smudging' - a term she may have originated, but a process you might recognise. The spontaneity is exciting and authentic because she has no idea what will emerge from the colourful smudges on the paper or canvas at the beginning of this process...

From black ink to full colour...
Lauren loves drawing in black ink and she also adores colour! Here you can see the step by step progression of a drawing from pure black and white, to an experimental digital colour way, to the final mixed media piece on wood in full colour.
'Jana the Visionary - Way of the Sacred Heart'
Mixed media on wood (recycled cupboard door)
Approx. 65cm by 40cm ~ SOLD

Charm Of Hummingbirds
Painting from her imagination suits Lauren's colourful and illustrative approach... See the development of Keme-Nyx and the Charm of Hummingbirds as she takes many unexpected twists and turns!